Team B A S U utilizes the “binary approach” in all of our projects and tasks, no matter how large or small. What does that mean? If you do a quick search on, you’ll find a couple definitions for the word binary:
How does this apply to a mindset or approach regarding projects and tasks? Think about binary as 0 or 1, and there are simply two outcomes. 0 and 1 can be used to quantify an outcome, like a score. Here at BASU.COM, we value excellence, and we measure excellence by the grade of 100%. This is what allows for the binary approach to be implemented and used for success within Team B A S U. For example, if we think of a task that needs to be completed, it can only be measured by a 0 or 1, 0 being 0% and 1 being 100%. This displays an all-or-nothing-outcome mindset because we as individuals and as a team understand that the task can only be done perfectly or not at all. Now, while it can seem daunting or even discouraging to see all of your work and efforts summarized as 0’s or 1’s, try to think of it as an opportunity to excel and produce only your best work. Some of us need deadlines to ensure that things will get done, and that is absolutely okay. But whether they are personally needed by people are not, deadlines are important and necessary because they communicate a requirement and a standard. The binary approach amongst a team does the same thing. Everyone understands that the task needs to be completed and completed well. It’s rather refreshing once it is fully accepted and embraced because you comprehend fully what is expected of you, and you understand exactly what needs to get done. Sounds like a lot of pressure, doesn’t it? It can be, because you understand that a lot is on the line. But if you think of each task or project with this binary approach, you’ll be able to keep in mind the level of excellence needed to get that 1 or 100%, and it’ll push you to be meticulous, plan ahead, and give it your all. That is why the binary approach works, because you know the outcome is either failure or success; it’s either done perfectly or not at all. And that is how we here at BASU.COM pursue excellence in everything we do, by approaching each task, each project, each assignment with an all-or-nothing mentality. This is why the binary approach works! Hiking is a wonderful outdoor activity that promotes both mental and physical health. The exercise, the clean air, and exposure to the beauty of nature are all part of the benefits hikers can appreciate, either during group or solo hikes. While it is a rather straightforward activity, there are many different types of hikes according to the trail, landscape, and geography of a hiking location. And many different things can happen during a hike as well. We’ve put together a list of 5 essential tips for hikers that can be useful for the avid hiker or the beginner!
Some tips might seem like common sense, some may seem like overkill. But it helps to be prepared and it never hurts to be careful. Enjoy your hikes out there, explorers! Let us know where you like to hike in the comments below! BASU.COM has an obsession with our customers and providing them with only the best. So how do we approach Customer Support? With excellence, of course, and with 100% satisfaction as the goal in mind. If you’re interested in some measurable steps we follow to reach this goal, keep reading!
So there you have it: three simple steps to providing excellent customer support from the team that always works towards 100% customer satisfaction. While these steps are simple, they’re extremely important and play a crucial part in any business, company, and organization. Assure your customers that they can reach you at their earliest convenience, that you’ll listen, and that you care enough to do something. Even if you can’t always fix the problem 100%, it always helps to check off these three things so that their whole experience is positive and not completely contingent upon the outcome of something that may have been out of your control to begin with. We consistently talk about the importance of safety. After all, it is a basic need, and it is something that we can take personal ownership of. While we cannot guarantee the prevention of harm in the form of violence, robbery, accidents, etc., there are definite steps we can take to protect ourselves once we acknowledge that our safety is our responsibility. So it is helpful to think of safety as an investment. Most of us are already investing in our safety! Many of the important things we own come with locks, like our cars and houses, even our smartphones. These act as basic insurance, and the more important the object, the more we tend to insure. We insure with security cameras, high-tech locks, home and cyber security systems, and personal safety tools like the B A S U eAlarm and eAlarm+. We buy insurance for our homes, our cars, and other personal belongings in the unfortunate but possible scenario that something horrible should happen, because it is always better to be safe than sorry. So as you can see, we make decisions to invest in what is important to us every day. And according to Maslow and his Hierarchy of Needs, safety is an absolute basic need that is essential to the individual. Therefore, any cost that goes in to protecting yourself in the case of an emergency or potentially dangerous situation is actually an investment that could greatly pay off. It is absolutely better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting ourselves and our loved ones from physical, emotional, and financial harm. We know that you’re depending on your B A S U eAlarm and eAlarm+ to work in any emergency situation that could occur. An important thing to do that will ensure your eAlarm is in perfect working condition is to test it once a month. The test itself is very simple! However, we do recommend that you or anyone testing the device remember the importance of protecting your ears. We strongly suggest wearing protective gear, like large over-the-ear headphones or ear plugs. This practice is extremely important because 120dB-130dB can cause significant hearing damage if ears are constantly exposed to this level of sound. The steps:
Once again, owners will want to test their eAlarms once a month. If you’d like to sign up for monthly reminders from us, just fill out your information on this page: If you’d like to watch a quick demonstration, click on the video below! Have you been anxious to explore lately? Need some destinations to check out? Traveling to new countries on different continents is always exciting, but you don’t have to go very far to explore something new! America is full of diversity and culture, offering fantastic places to explore. Exciting cities, wilderness, historical towns, and more adventures can be found all across the United States. Here are 10 places to explore in the US to get you started:
Where would you like to explore in the United States? Where have you been and what was fun? Let us know in the comments below! Lack of view. Whether you’re an employee at a business or a volunteer for an organization you believe in, you need to know that your work matters. That happens when you understand how your work contributes to the bigger picture of what you and your team are trying to accomplish. There are tasks and goals, incentives and objectives, but we need to be able to understand how they all come together to produce a desired outcome. Without this understanding and concept of the bigger picture, it’s only natural to lose steam, have trouble getting motivated, and struggle with putting our best foot forward. So in whatever setting you’re in that requires you to be as productive as can be, take some time to map out how your assigned tasks and projects contribute to the whole. It’s always helpful to do this with your team and supervisors; in fact, it would be motivational for leaders to clearly paint the picture and provide that full view. But if that’s not possible, start by doing it for yourself!
Outdated systems and processes. Sometimes a company just likes things the way they are or they do not see the value in upgrading to the latest technology, and this issue can be detrimental on two fronts: morale and efficiency. Both of these factors will impact productivity in turn. Outdated systems and processes can cause frustration among workers, lowering morale among many. Updating software/hardware may be expensive, but it is an investment that will pay off for both employees and in efficiency. And while the status quo may be attractive to some, it is always helpful to see if there are any new and improved ways to do something, accomplishing more in less time. Personal work space. Your working environment can greatly influence how productive you are. Distracting sounds or loud coworkers can interrupt and disturb your process. Do you sit close to a supervisor? This might inhibit your productivity due to the stress of working so closely to someone higher-up. Some people work well with music in the background while others find it distracting. And while working from home seems like a great perk and practice from time to time, many people actually find it to be less productive than working in a personal working space. Why? Perhaps it has something to do with the relaxed feel of home, and that mindset is hard to change fully into work-mode. Or it could have something to do with not having coworkers and supervisors to not only hold you accountable but also to encourage you to just get it done. Many people can establish what their optimal work space is, and while the size or placement of an office space may have some limitations, you can still use what you know about the working conditions you need to set up the best possible work space for maximum productivity. Commuting is a necessary evil for many workers in cities across the United States. A recent study by the Robert Half Executive Recruiting Firm reported that the average commute time in San Francisco, CA was 59.20 minutes! That’s the average time it takes for employees to arrive at work in the City, including people who live in San Francisco and those who do not. For many, commuting can be a daunting and stressful daily event. Here are some things to try and see if you can’t make the experience a little better:
The entire experience does not need to be unpleasant. Day in and day out, it is a time set apart that you can choose to fill. Try some new things so that the time spent commuting to and from work can be more enjoyable! Do you have any tips or suggestions to making the average commute a more pleasant experience? Let us know in the comments! Have you heard of performing “stand-up” at tech companies? No, not as in stand-up comedy, but as in having a meeting/report of individual priorities for the day. This is NOT: a mandatory list solely for the benefit of the supervisor to be “in the know.” What it IS: a daily check-in that opens up your tasks and challenges to the team. This is extremely helpful because it truly invites other team members to contribute and help you accomplish the tasks on your list. Projects and assignments with barriers or challenges are reported and other team members can help you resolve and finish whatever is on your list. Stand-up operates as a team-building activity that builds rapport and trust in addition to helping individuals effectively finish projects and attack deadlines. In addition to the team aspect of its benefits, stand-up is extremely helpful to the individual as well. Sitting down and sorting out exactly what you need to accomplish for the day is a proven way to achieve maximum productivity. How? Having a visual list, typed or handwritten, that you think of and process imprints the information in your brain, allowing you to have a clear understanding of your priorities for the day. Once that information is processed, you also have the list to reference throughout the day whenever you are side-tracked by other tasks and projects. Bottom line: your objectives are clearly communicated to yourself and to your team, making this process of meeting in person or communicating over the team channel an entirely beneficial practice. mo·bile
adjective ˈmōbəl,ˈmōˌbīl/
Team B A S U [-_-] is passionate about keeping our customers mobile.That’s why our products are engineered with you in mind! Whether you’re commuting through the city or catching a plane to your next adventure, hiking that challenging trail or just walking to your next class at night, we know that you have a lot of things to do throughout your day. Places to go, things to do, people to see. And with all of these tasks or destinations to attend to, a lot can get lost in the dust. Here are some quick helpful tips to think about as you prepare for the next day: adventure, job, journey, or commute. provides these three definitions for meritocracy:
Ultimate meritocracy is our philosophy here at B A S U, where each team member is not judged and valued by his or her previous accomplishments, but by what he or she is currently contributing. The justification behind this lies in the simple fact that someone can graduate from an excellent university, but he or she was great at being a student and may not be wonderful at fulfilling the needs of the company. On the other hand, someone may have performed poorly in a previous role or company due to life circumstance or even laziness. This person can prove his worth by demonstrating stellar performance now within his current role.
While each member of the team has specific roles and duties, everyone knows how to perform the general tasks required for the company to succeed. This is a wonderful strategy that works within a team because business won’t stop when one person is sick or has an emergency. Ultimate meritocracy enforces teamwork as it allows us to trust and depend on one another to perform what is asked of us but also ensures that anyone can step up to the plate and hit a home run for the sake of the company. Ultimate meritocracy is liberating because it does not limit the individual to a previous standard. Whether prior performance was poor or stellar, what matters is the current delivery. Thus, the individual is punished or rewarded based on her live contributions and efforts, because that is the true measure of a person’s value to a company. It’s about proving yourself, without the cushion of precedent status or the constraint of poor performance in the past. You come in, you are expected do your best despite the past, and are acknowledged for the quality you contribute. Thus, ultimate meritocracy is just another philosophy that allows for BASU.COM to provide only the best. Exploration is a fun and arguably necessary part of life. Discovering new places, cultures, and things to do provides opportunity for adventure that can be enjoyed in places across the world, or maybe even in your own backyard. While you may not be charting completely new territory like Lewis and Clark, it’s still important to keep some rules in mind as you explore in this modern day and age. Rule #1: Know where you are going
Even if you’re backpacking through Europe, have a good foundation of information and resources to rely on as you explore new cities and/or wilderness. Do some research about the cities, cultures, and types of people you’ll be around, and be sure to collect key information in case of emergencies. Rule #2: Let people know where you are going This may seem redundant or unnecessary, but it is crucial, especially if you are exploring in less populated areas or out of the country. Again, this is important in case of emergencies! Rule #3: Plan Ahead This goes in line with the first rule, but it is important to remember to plan ahead. Bring the appropriate safety kits, enough cash, underwear, socks, etc. Because it never hurts to be over-prepared and planning ahead allows for a smoother experience. Structure what you need and go with the flow where you can, just keep in mind the basics before you jet off to your next destination. Rule #4: Try something new Whether you’re setting out to explore and re-discover your city or braving the heights of Machu Picchu, be sure to try something new! It can be as simple as exploring a new corner of the city or trying a new type of food before you set off on your epic quest to hike the Lost City Trek in Colombia, your adventure is enriched when you intentionally seek new experiences. Because exploring is not just about the destination, it’s about the journey getting there! And last but not least: Have fun! In this modern era of instant information and speedy transportation, the destinations and possibilities seem limitless! There are so many places to explore and you should! Enjoy yourself the entire way, even when new things feel uncomfortable, because all of these new experiences have the potential to be extremely meaningful. You can meet new people from all over the world, immerse yourself in a new culture, try an abundance of new foods, and see practically all of the sights the world has to offer. Enjoy and have fun as you explore our modern world! Quality is extremely important to Team B A S U. Excellence is our goal and standard, making excellent quality the desired outcome for each product and interaction, every time. Because quality is so integral to B A S U’s entire framework, we wanted to address 3 misconceptions regarding quality.
1.“Quality is too subjective to define” While it is true that the definition of quality may vary according to perception, quality is definitely definable, and more than that, it is recognizable. Also, to dismiss the pursuit of great quality simply because it is difficult to objectively define, it is a premature acceptance of failure. Accepting that quality cannot be measured or controlled is the easy way out, something B A S U is not interested in ever practicing. So, with a subjective term like quality, what do we recommend? Make the quality so superb, so outstanding, that it is undeniably excellent. 2. “Quality is the responsibility of one person/group within a company/organization” Quality should not fall upon one person or one group. The “burden” of quality falls upon everyone, and to place all of the burden on an individual or group allows too much room for error. The most successful approach to providing excellent quality is to have the expectation set high within the foundation of the company or organization. That way everyone is contributing to ensuring the quality, not just those who perform QC and QA (Quality Control and Quality Assurance). 3. “Quality is an expense” Quality should be thought of as an investment. To produce great quality can only benefit a project, company, and organization. If quality is standardized and incorporated into all processes, both risk and cost are reduced. So while there may be a higher cost upfront, it is absolutely an investment that could lead to savings but definitely leads to the better overall health of a company. (Source: Safety is important to us because we know it’s important to you.
In fact, it’s a fundamental need on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. We’ve compiled some surprising facts and statistics to keep in mind as your commute, work, travel, and go about your daily lives:
Remember: Your safety is your responsibility: Make sure you’re always aware of your surroundings and go prepared for any situation. (sources:, ) Here at B A S U, excellence is the standard and 100% is the passing score.
Literally. All of our team members undergo training to ensure that they understand all of the in’s and out’s of the B A S U way. Once that training is complete, team members take a test where the passing score is 100% because it is that important to us at BASU.COM for all of our team members to be on board with providing only the best in all aspects of the company. How do you provide only the best? You give it your all. And that’s 100%. So many people, companies, and organizations can talk about the pursuit of excellence and the importance of this value. But here at B A S U, we execute and practice this pursuit with the measurement of 100% being the only acceptable grade. This allows us to provide our customers with truly excellent customer service and products. Because our standard is 100%, we won’t stop until our customers are 100% satisfied with our service, our products, our design, and our company. So rest assured knowing that we mean it when we say we value and aim to provide excellence in all that we do! Memorial Day, also known as Decoration Day, is a national holiday spent remembering the men and women who have died serving in the armed forces. While America has had a long history of honoring those who have fallen in battle, the first Decoration Day was on May 30, 1868, after Commander in Chief John A. Logan designated the day “for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land.” Memorial Day became an official federal holiday in 1971.
BASU.COM has always honored our veterans and we would like to take the day to honor those who have given their lives to fight and die for their country. Sources:, Our vision is to be the innovator in every product category we serve. We strive to be leaders in innovation as it allows us to provide only the best to our customers. Innovation is they key to growth and excellence, which are important factors applicable to both the personal and societal aspects of life. We are always asking ourselves: Is this the best way to be doing this? Is there a smarter/quicker/easier way? Innovation can make everyone’s lives easier, and it should be scalable. This is another important factor because it is our mission to create superior products that provide long-term value for customers by significantly improving their lives. Innovation is one of the key tools that allows us to do that. It challenges us to continue providing the best that we can in all aspects of our company.
Innovation matters because it drives the world as we know it. In the business world, it pushes companies to constantly pursue the best ideas, consistently search for newer, better things to produce and provide consumers. And consumers get to directly benefit from the trend of innovation with better products, new techniques, easier processes. But innovation for B A S U is not just about what’s new; it’s about what’s best. Innovation to us means we are always researching, asking, and listening to see if there is a better way. Can our products be more user friendly? Can our products be more effective? Is there another product that our customers need to enrich their lives or make them easier? Innovation drives us and plays a key role in helping us provide our customers with only the best in experience and quality. Our commitment to excellence and innovation go hand-in-hand and allow us to pursue our mission: to create superior products that provide long-term value for customers by significantly improving their lives. The B A S U eAlarm will give off a sound at 120dB, and the eAlarm+ will produce a sound at 130dB. The difference in range is due to the original use for each product; the eAlarm+ is louder by 10 dB because it was intended for outdoor activities, such as hiking, while the eAlarm was intended for urban use, like commuting in the city. Both items do produce a significantly loud noise in order to deter crime, provide a rescue signal or intrusion alert, and repel animals.
You may have wondered what these units actually mean? What is a decibel (dB)? For your reference, we have put together some information on the decibel scale: The decibel scale is a logarithmic scale used to meaningfully measure and express sound. 0dB is the most quiet sound a human ear can hear, and any increase in units of 3dB would represent a doubling of sound intensity or acoustic power. Also, the relative loudness humans perceive is often subjective, and an increase of 10dB can sound twice as loud to the same person. But hearing loss or damage is not dependent upon just how loud something is; it also depends on the intensity of the sound. Please reference this article to see how exposure to different levels of sound on the decibel scale can damage your hearing: So remember to always wear protective gear over your ears whenever you test your eAlarm or eAlarm+! It’s just as important to protect your ears and hearing as it is to test your eAlarm/eAlarm+. BASU.COM is passionate about providing safety and security to our customers and communities. This is why the eAlarm releases an ear-piercing sound in order to deter crime, as the numbers show: "Up to 68% of criminals will leave a crime scene completely empty handed once an alarm is heard." Our customers have used the B A S U eAlarm for a safer commute, safer hiking trips, and even animal repellent! The B A S U eAlarm is especially good for traveling because it is permitted in your carry-on luggage, so you’re covered during all moments of your trip. Here are three easy-to-remember steps we recommend whenever there is a situation in which you need to use your eAlarm. These three quick steps are easy to keep in mind to ensure your safety whenever you or a loved one is exposed to a dangerous situation. Always pull the pin first to sound off the alarm, deterring the potential crime. Running as soon as possible creates distance between you and the danger, further lowering the risk of an incident. Lastly, calling the police ensures that you or your loved one can be protected by the advisement from the operator and reporting the incident.
Some general safety tips to keep in mind:
The eAlarm+ comes with patented B A S U SmartHook™ Technology, which allows for it to be used as a tripwire alarm. This is useful in hotel rooms, camping grounds, and any other area that needs to be secured. Here’s how to create an intruder alert with the eAlarm+: What you’ll need:
Then, tie the the other ends of the cords to the door handle and a stationary object close by. Make sure that everything is TAUT. The alarm needs to be set off as soon as the door opens and this will happen the quickest if the device is secured tightly between the door and stationary object. If possible, test the alarm to make sure it will go off as soon as the door is opened. Remember to wear protective gear over your ears whenever testing an alarm! Click on the video below for a demonstration on how to create an intruder alert: Sound quality is yet another standard of excellence we apply to our products at BASU.COM. Our outdoor speaker produces a stunning quality of sound you have to hear to believe. With a powerful bass and full-bodied sound at high volumes, the eSpeaker 3.0 also has a sleek yet tough design so that you can take it everywhere with you. It also comes with a small carabiner and AUX cord along with the cord to recharge the built-in 4400mAh battery, which supports up to 24 hours of playtime and acts as a power bank to recharge your phone. In addition to these features, the eSpeaker 3.0 is certified as IP67, meaning that it is protected from total dust ingress (entry) and protected from immersion in water between 15 centimeters and 1 meter in depth. You can also use Bluetooth to connect it to any of your other devices. Another interesting feature is you can use it to make phone calls because there’s a microphone included! To connect a device using Bluetooth, we have outlined these steps: 1) Power off eSpeaker3.0 (to Reset) 2) Power on eSpeaker3.0 3) Observe the Bluetooth icon. It should be solid blue, not flashing (meaning that it is Bluetooth ready/capable) 4) Press the PLAY button on eSpeaker3.0 (hold for roughly 2-3 seconds) 5) This should start the "pairing" process on the eSpeaker3.0 with available surrounding devices. 6) You should hear a voice prompt, saying "pairing" 7) The Bluetooth Icon on the eSpeaker3.0 should now be blinking, alternating between red and blue, meaning it is in "pairing" mode (this will last for 3 minutes. If 3 minutes has passed, start over from step 1) 8) Now go to your Bluetooth enabled device (ex: Smartphone) you want to pair with the eSpeaker 3.0, and go to your device's Bluetooth Settings. 9) Look under "other devices" in your device's Bluetooth Settings. "BASU" should appear under "other devices" 10) Select that device ("BASU"), which should now initiate the Bluetooth pairing process. 11) The Bluetooth icon on the eSpeaker3.0 should now switch to Flashing/Blinking Blue (not Red anymore) 12) You will hear a voice prompt saying "connected," signaling that the eSpeaker3.0 is now connected to your personal device 13) Select something to play from your personal device to test 14) Yay! You are All Set Up with B A S U eSpeaker3.0. ENJOY :) We are so excited about our eSpeaker 3.0! It is the perfect speaker, suitable in style for the home, suitable in ability for the outdoors!
It’s no secret that BASU.COM values our customers. In fact, under Our Values on our About Us page, you can see that our entire company’s culture focuses on the customer first and foremost. That means everything we do here at B A S U is for our customers. From providing excellent customer service to engineering the most innovative and useful products that will provide long-term value for our customers, we are on the mission of significantly improving our customers’ quality of life. This is why we do what we do at B A S U, why we love hearing any feedback from customers, because anything that matters to them matters to us. We want to provide only the best in all things for our customers and we’re proactively seeking how to be the best. BASU.COM offers 24/7 support 365 days of the year because we want to be available to any of our customers’ needs and we want them to be heard right away. It’s not about us and what we think is right or best for the customer, but it’s about what the customer wants and needs. Our customers and their feedback help us determine which direction to grow in and develop. We are always striving to be better, faster, and more accommodating, making it our goal to be the best of the best in customer service in addition to the best in our quality and type of product. That is why we have more than an appreciation for our customers, we have an obsession to provide them with only the best.
Here at B A S U, “We take our responsibilities to the community seriously and are committed to being a good corporate citizen.” What does this mean and what does it look like? B A S U takes on this responsibility with pride, thus we follow through with all of our partners to ensure they share our goals, holding our suppliers to the same high standards we set for ourselves. We expect our suppliers to act with integrity and adhere to the highest ethical, social and environmental business practices. And we make sure our suppliers are held accountable for upholding human rights. Every year we conduct rigorous annual inspections of our factories in Asia where we ensure our manufacturing partners maintain the highest ethical, social, and environmental business standards & practices. It is important to everyone on our team that B A S U actively practices the responsibility of being a good corporate citizen. We are committed to bringing you only the best, and we strive to ensure this philosophy and standard in all aspects of our company. If you’d like to learn more about how B A S U approaches social responsibility, check out this page here: If you’re planning on taking any trips this summer, we’ve put together a list of tips and things to keep in mind while you’re out and about! Depending on where you’re going and who you’re with, some may make more sense than others. But it’s important to always be prepared, especially for an adventure!
And last but not least, don’t forget your eAlarm+! Take it with you on your carry-on so you’ll always have peace of mind and a way to protect your personal safety. We know how important safety is when you travel, and the eAlarm+ can be with you at every moment of your trip. Happy traveling! “Waterproof” is a term that could mean a range of different things for a product. Is it watertight, water-repellant, or water-resistant? What are the variances between these broad labels? There is actually a way to measure how waterproof something is, and that is through the IP Rating Chart. “IP” stands for “Ingress Protection”, which “classifies the degrees of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects (including body parts like hands and fingers), dust, accidental contact, and water in electrical enclosures.” IP ratings or codes will begin with IP followed by two digits and an optional letter. According to the description, the IP code indicates more than the degrees of protection provided against water in electrical enclosures. The first digit after “IP” addresses degrees of protection against solids, while the second digit addresses liquids. The higher the level, as indicated by the number, the stronger the protection. For example, if an item’s code is IP00, this indicates that it is not protected from solids and liquids. If an item’s code is IP01, it is not protected from solids, but it is protected from condensation. B A S U’s eSpeaker 3.0 is rated IP67 waterproof: the speaker is fully splash proof, which means that it will survive rain or spills. According to an IP rating chart, it also means that it is protected from total dust ingress (entry) and from immersion between 15 centimeters and 1 meter in depth. It’s important to know exactly how waterproof something is before you test your products’ ability to withstand liquids. Utilize the IP rating charts below for your reference! sources:,